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25 octets ajoutés ,  10 avril 2018 à 15:56
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*[[wp:Collaborative learning]]*[[wp:Introduction to cooperative learning]]*[[wp:Cooperative learning]]
==Mots clefs==
*Wiki*Apprentissage collaboratif*Collaborative learning
*Knowledge sharing
===Sites de Recherches===
==Biblio et Notes de lecutre==
10. Boulos MNK, Maramba I, Wheeler S. Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education. BMC Med Educ. 1 déc 2006;6(1):41.[https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6920-6-41]
*lien : https://www.exercer.fr/numero/106/supp/2/page/56/
===par Unige===
*ORTOLEVA, Giulia, BETRANCOURT, Mireille. Supporting productive collaboration in a computer-supported instructional activity: peer-feedback on critical incidents in health care education. In: Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 2016, vol. 68, n° 2, p. 178-197. https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:92429**4 motifs/ modèles principaux de collaboration
** recommandations pour la mise en œuvre d'activités d'écriture collaboratives efficaces et pertinentes dans l'enseignement pro...
*ORTOLEVA, Giulia, BETRANCOURT, Mireille. Collaborative writing and discussion in vocational education: Effects on learning and self-efficacy beliefs. In: Journal of Writing Research, 2015, vol. 7, n° 1, p. 95-122. https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:92522 **Articulation savoirs formalisés et apprentissage (//Hal Ambulatoire) : savoirs tacites implicites non formalisés : e*PERAYA, Daniel, CAMPION, Baptiste. L’analyse des dispositifs hybrides : les effets d'un changement d'environnement virtuel de travail : d’un site Web à la plateforme Claroline. In: Frenay, M.; Wouters, P. & Raucent, B. (Ed.). Les pédagogies actives: enjeux et conditions. Actes du 4ème colloque Questions de pédagogies dans l’enseignement supérieur. Louvain la Neuve. Louvain la Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. p. 447-456. https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:17705 **Plateforme Claroline : comprenant un Wiki
== Liens autres ==
===Avril 18===
* [[wp:fr:Wikipédia:Projets pédagogiques]]
* [http://koasas.kaist.ac.kr/bitstream/10203/5391/1/2002-104.pdf Knowledge sharing of Physicians in Hospital]
**Models of collaboration
Foley and Smeaton[23] defined two key aspects of collaborative information seeking as :
***division of labor and the***sharing of knowledge
*** instance, reason, and the methods behind a collaboration
***Diversity of skills..***Communication
This is one of the most critical components of any collaboration. In fact, Rodden (1991) identified message or communication systems as the class of systems in CSCW that is most mature and most widely used...
Awareness, in the context of CSCW, has been defined as "an understanding of the activities of others, which provides a context for your own activity".[35] The following four kinds of awareness are often discussed and addressed in the CSCW literature:[36]